
Terra Information Group’s ParsePro is the frontrunner in Resume Parsing and Analysis. It offers cutting edge solutions to manage volumes of data and makes the resume handling process more efficient and economical. ParsePro with its scalable solutions is committed to be world’s best Resume Parsing and Analysis company addressing the needs from diversified verticals.

Read more to see how ParsePro can become an asset to your business.

  • 24×365 hosted service
  • Compatible with C# .net (for desktop applications).
  • Integrates with any web based scripting language, Java, ColdFusion,, PHP, etc. using SOAP.
  • 67+ parsed fields and 4+ analysis fields, 6+ Social Recruit Fields, ready for use by Job Board.
  • Flexible licensing and payment Plans
  • ParsePro normalizes and infers far more data than other solutions, including standardized geocodes, industry codes, functional codes, educational levels, academic major codes, and dates and years of experience. Skills are rolled up into a standardized, hierarchical, and customizable dictionary that also includes context, duration, and recentness of use for each skill.
  • ParsePro accepts documents in most major document formats, including Word, PDF, WordPerfect, HTML, RTF, and plain text.
  • Trained and tested on thousands of resumes previously annotated by live experts over many trials and continues to learn by adding new words, skills, locations etc..toit’s dictionary.

Take a Free test Drive and check the capability of Parse Pro


How It Works

CV / Resumes and job orders come in all shapes and sizes. ParsePro extracts information from resumes received from various sources and in various file formats. Resumes in any layout go into the parser and structured data comes out formatted, ready for use.

Easy Integration

Adding or switching to a new software product can be time consuming and costly. Our Resume parser is a hosted solution that integrates easily with your system with a set of API keys and a few lines of code.

Our clients

Who uses us and why they use us?

Job Boards

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Job Boards thrive on applicants, but registering for a job board can at times be a tedious and lengthy process. Incorporating resume parsing into your

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Corporate HR

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ParsePro greatly assists the Human Resource (HR) team by allowing automatic resume analysis; allowing the team to focus on key hiring requirements in resumes instead

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in by

Supports typical resume file formats such as: .doc, .docx, .pdf, .rtf, .txt, .htm. This functionality allows ParsePro to service a large audience and to be

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Social Networks

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Integrated resume parsing on a social networking site gives users the ability to quickly complete their online profiles. ParsePro can take your user’s uploaded resume,

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in by

Support Q. Will I be maintaining the privacy of all resumes? A.Your resumes never travel to us. You maintain all copies and all databases. ParsePro

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ATS/HRIS Software

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Add parsing functionality to your application and increase the customer base/sales. Make your users more productive and provide them with more value. Reduce the manual

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Awards winning


Cups of Coffee



ParsePro normalizes and infers far more data than other solutions, including standardized geocodes, industry codes, functional codes, educational levels, academic major codes, and dates and years of experience. Skills are rolled up into a standardized, hierarchical, and customizable dictionary that also includes context, duration, and recentness of use for each skill.

Parsed fields


Analysis fields


Social Recruit Fields
